RCE Endeavors 😅

May 18, 2021

Creating a multi-language compiler system: System Setup (11/11)

Filed under: Programming — admin @ 10:30 PM

Table of Contents:

This post will explain how to set up the multi-language compiler system on Ubuntu 20.04. Given that everything is containerized, it hopefully shouldn’t be too bad to set up if you want to try it in action.

Starting with a fresh install, some dependencies are needed:

Once these prerequisites are met, the code repository can be cloned from Github:

git clone https://github.com/codereversing/multicompilersystem

Once the repository is cloned, the shared mounted folder needs to be created. In the Kubernetes deployment files this local path is /home/${USER}/Desktop/shared, so take the folder called shared from the repo and place it in /home/${USER}/Desktop/.

Read/write/execute permissions should be set on this shared folder as well so that the containers can properly perform their operations on the subdirectories within it. Replace ${USER} with the current user name.

chmod -R 777 /home/${USER}/Desktop/shared

After this is done you can run the build-all-dockerfiles.sh script followed by the deploy-all.sh script. If everything worked you should see a folder with the running container id in the shared folders input, output, etc directories. From here you can follow the previous post giving a demo of the system to try it yourself.

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